

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Spring Pastels 2014

So today (and for the whole of yesterday) I have been wrapped up in bed due to a horrendous bug. Literally, I don't think I've ever been this ill before and therefore I am currently feeling very sorry for myself.

Anyway, today I thought I'd do a post on a few things that I am absolutely loving within spring/summer fashion. The pastel colours are everywhere, and I cannot get enough of them- especially the mint greens and pastel pinks, they are so pretty.
Finding myself lusting after lots of pieces that have caught my eye online, I thought I'd mash together a few of my favourite items, both staple and out-there, just incase you guys are enjoying the pastel trend as much as me and are keen to get an idea of a few more pieces.

One piece of clothing I have invested in that I put into the collage is the white high waisted Joni jeans. They are so simple to style, but can look both dressy and casual. I don't normally buy jeans just because I find they are quite expensive/ never fit me right, but these retailed at £36 with a further 10% off from my student discount, so I thought that was a pretty great deal!

I've tried to stray away from adding too many things from Zara, but seriously, have you seen their collection? I am lusting after pretty much every piece. The sad times of a student, ay.

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